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Monday, 2 June 2014

Feel the fear....

So there it is, pictured above. Ready for posting at my favorite post office (it has become a bit of a superstition with me that all the hard copies of my courses are sent from there).

This package represents thirteen months of work. I have checked it three times and that's just this morning - then I got my partner to check it again. The email copy has been sent and that was easier because I created an email some time ago ready for this day....still, when I got the acknowledgement email from the Open College I still said out loud that there was "no going back now!".

Silly really. After all, this is the penultimate course and I know I am not stopping...but the illusion of one more look at it, or maybe just one more day to think about it, put it off etc. is very attractive.

Once it is gone, posted, I try and forget it until the result is received.

The hardest course to let go will be the last one - to be completed early next year. I won't have another course to distract me. But then, hopefully, I shall be working on completing my novel, the first five chapters being the Advanced Writing Course itself. Funny how fast a year can go by when you have your head down working hard....