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Tuesday, 28 July 2015

It's over...relief and remorse...

It's over, the long road, the great personal journey; my degree is finished. The credits are attributed and I have a Creative Writing Degree qualification 2:1 from the Open College of the Arts.

I am relieved that this journey is over and I have what I set out to achieve in my hands. There is nothing greater than looking back down the mountain and seeing the difficult and treacherous path you have walked. You don't remember every stumble or triumphant plateau but at the top you remember the highs and the lows in a fuzzy euphoria of arriving.

Contacting my Tutor, Nina Milton, was the first thing I did; sending her an email thanking her and hopefully making her blush (again) by telling her that she is the teacher I needed at school.

My partner arrived home and there were cheers, cuddles and glasses of Prosecco and then an indulgent dinner.

There was a moment when holding my fathers gold wedding ring which hangs on a chain around my neck I choked up at my Dad not being here. He would have loved it and I can see him punching the air from his bed and grinning. But this warm memory does not replace the feeling of loss entirely and I miss his open enthusiasm and delight at others getting their hearts desires.

Today, twenty four hours later, I wonder about this blog. Should it continue? It was for my Tutor(s). For them to read and to see my trials and experiences but it's over now. I was going to leave it. To let it hang here in cyber-space. But I think I cannot do that. I think I shall revamp the header - mission statement - and change it into a journey of writing. After all, it might have started with a Tutor and a degree pathway but my writing has not ended. So I need to turn around on the mountain top, enjoy the view and then climb higher or at least find a higher peak to climb.